


This benchmark is base-line finding configurations for optimization procedures of Athento ECM (Nuxeo Platform based).


  1. Single server

    1. Hardware

      1. Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (trusty)
      2. 1 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1630 v3 @ 3.70GHz
      3. 64Gb memory
      4. disk SATA 200Gb, cache read: 11641.27 MB/sec, buffered: 56.08 MB/sec
    2. Software

      1. Nuxeo CAP 6.0

        1. Jvm options: JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m  -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true  -Xloggc:${nuxeo.log.dir}/gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

        2. JMX activated for Monitoring (only for benchmark with debugging for health constants)

        3. ACLOptimization = false (only for benchmark)

        4. Full-indexing = false (only for benchmark)
        5. NX-Quota = true
      2. PostgreSQL

        1. (PostgreSQL) 9.3.9

        2. postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar 

        3. pg_clt options (changed into postgresql.conf)
          1. default
          1. configuration from Nuxeo benchmark: --effective_cache_size=16GB --shared_buffers=10GB --max_prepared_transactions=128 --work_mem=64MB --maintenance_work_mem=1GB --wal_buffers=24MB --checkpoint_completion_target=0.8 --checkpoint_segments=32 --checkpoint_timeout=15min --default_text_search_config=pg_catalog.french --fsync=off --full_page_writes=off --log_min_duration_statement=80ms --log_rotation_size=100MB --synchronous_commit=off --track_activities=on --track_counts=on --log_line_prefix='%t [%p]: [%l-1] ' --port=5436 --max_connections=64 --random_page_cost=2
        4. Analysis: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Performance_Analysis_Tools
    3. Tools

      1. JMeter 2.13 to make stress test: GUI & REST (source: nuxeo-bench-jmeter.jmx)

        1. Memory: -Xms=1g -Xmx=2g

      2. jvisualvm to monitoring JVM

      3.  powa (http://dalibo.github.io/powa/) to monitoring PostgreSQL



  • Transactions per second
  • Throughput transaction vs threads
  • Hits per second (Req/s)
  • Response time vs threads


  • Database server is in the same server, so network latency is inappreciable.


Number of documents into repository: 800K

Number of users (threads): 30, 40 y 50

Ramp-up time (seconds): 60, 90 y 120

Bucle (iterations): 10, 30, 50

The representation for a configuration in a scenario will be: Users/Rampup/Iterations (i.e. 30/60/10)

Scenario 1: Basic Navigation (not randomize)

  • Login
  • Workspace and folder navigation across 3rd level
  • Open a document into folder
  • Tab navigation into document: (Summary, Relations, Comments, History)
  • Logout

Configuration a)

  • PostgresSQL with pg_ctl options = default
  • ACL optimization = false
  • full-text indexation = false
  • Quota-active = true

Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads


Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads



Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads


Postgres Read/Write
Query per secondBlocks per second

Configuration b)

    • PostgresSQL with pg_ctl options = '--effective_cache_size=16GB --shared_buffers=10GB --max_prepared_transactions=128 --work_mem=64MB --maintenance_work_mem=1GB --wal_buffers=24MB --checkpoint_completion_target=0.8 --checkpoint_segments=32 --checkpoint_timeout=15min --default_text_search_config=pg_catalog.spanish --fsync=off --full_page_writes=off --log_min_duration_statement=80ms --log_rotation_size=100MB --synchronous_commit=off --track_activities=on --track_counts=on --log_line_prefix='%t [%p]: [%l-1] ' --port=5433 --max_connections=64 --random_page_cost=2'
    • ACL optimization = false
    • full-text indexation = false
    • Quota-active = false

Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads


Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads



Transactions per second

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads



Postgres Read/Write
Query per secondBlocks per second



Scenario 2: Document creation (REST API with automation)

  • Check exists for the benchmark workspace (it creates it only first time)
  • Create a folder into bench workspace
  • Create a document into created folder (10 iter)
  • Attach blob into created document (10 iter)
  • Fetch create document

Configuration a)

  • PostgresSQL with pg_ctl options = '--effective_cache_size=16GB --shared_buffers=10GB --max_prepared_transactions=128 --work_mem=64MB --maintenance_work_mem=1GB --wal_buffers=24MB --checkpoint_completion_target=0.8 --checkpoint_segments=32 --checkpoint_timeout=15min --default_text_search_config=pg_catalog.spanish --fsync=off --full_page_writes=off --log_min_duration_statement=80ms --log_rotation_size=100MB --synchronous_commit=off --track_activities=on --track_counts=on --log_line_prefix='%t [%p]: [%l-1] ' --port=5436 --max_connections=64 --random_page_cost=2'
  • ACL optimization = false
  • full-text indexation = false
  • Quota-active = false

NOTE: Memory problems detected. GC overhead limit exceeded. So, decision to increased to -xms2g and -xmx4g

NOTE: Detected several thread-workers running for Quota process, which may be cause of GC overhead exceeded detected. 

NOTE: Detected problem with Too many open files exception. Solved with: https://doc.nuxeo.com/display/KB/java.net.SocketException+Too+many+open+files

NOTE: In 50/120/50 test, benchmark detects vcs pool is fully used. Solved with change pool to 100 into db and vcs values, with 450 threads in server.xml in HTTP connector.



Transactions per second

Transaction throughput vs Threads

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads


Transactions per second

Transaction throughput vs Threads

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads



Transactions per second

Transaction throughput vs Threads

Hits per second

Response time vs Threads


Postgres Read/Write
Query per secondBlocks per second


Database info
Inserts (sorted by number of calls)First hard selects (sorted by avg. runtime)


Result overview

  • Max transactions = 80/s
  • Max throughput = 480transactions/s
    • Injecting documents per second (Create document + Attach blob)
  • Max hits (GUI) = 1000req/s
  • Max hits (API) = 220req/s
  • Max concurrent users to achieve high performance: ~100








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